Welcome back everyone! Please bear with us while we continue to put the finishing touches on the smaller things around the studio. Below are some notable changes in certain areas of the studio.
A kind reminder that if you’re entering the studio after hours, you’ll need to disarm the security alarm. If you have forgotten your PIN, please contact me for it to be re-issued. Fob access is now active for the door.
- The light table is now a large light tablet, stored in the bottom left slot of the screen storage bank. The power adapter is clipped to the side of the central screenprinting work table. Please return the tablet to its original location after use.
- The newsprint cabinet and cutting mats are now in the corner cabinet to your right when facing the gallery/shop.
- New tables and surfaces are available for general use!
- Ceiling pulley systems have been retired due to restrictions regarding screwing things into the building’s heritage ceilings. There are a couple of sidekicks kicking around in the area. Give them a try as an alternative using a piece of wood, or your forehead, to prop up your screen!
- The rosin box has been retired. Some rosin fuse boxes remain for those applying lump rosin aquatints with a shaker. Please wear appropriate PPE and use them inside the solvent room.
- Etching baths are currently limited to the vertical bath, which accommodates up to two 16″ x 24″ plates at a time.
- Griffin plate support cart has been retired. Please ask a studio mate to lend an extra pair of hands when transporting between its storage under the inking table and the press bed.
That’s all for now. I’ll add to this post as other things come to mind.
Humbly, Pudy 🐀