Editions 2016

Flash Reproductions

Editions 2016

Date: May 5, 2016 | Time: 6:30 - 10:30pm

Editions: Open Studio’s Signature Fundraising Event

50 Artworks. 50 Tickets. 1 Night.
50 tickets are sold and 50 original fine art prints are available. All works are donated by established and emerging artists from across Canada and abroad, and selected by a jury of notable art world professionals. When your ticket is drawn, you have one minute to choose your perfect print.

Whether you have one of the 50 art draw tickets or a general admission party ticket, all guests will experience first-hand some of the remarkable techniques used by the artists during a live printmaking demonstration. The night also includes fabulous raffle prizes, complimentary drinks and gourmet hors d’oeuvres, and Members’ Ink, our silent auction of framed prints specially created by Open Studio artists for Editions.

Thursday, May 5th
6:30 pm at Open Studio
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 104

$375 admits two for the art draw
$50 admits one general admission

Click here for pictures from Editions 2016.

Editions 2016 Committee Co-Chair: Michael O’Connor & Ed Phillips
Open Studio Fundraising Committee Chair: Stephanie Lear

Thank you to our Editions 2016 Event Partners & Donors

Platinum Partner


Printing Partner

Flash Reproductions
Media Partner

Canadian Art
Beverage Partner

Beau's All Natural Brewing

Design Partner


Catering Partner

Kindred Spirits

Audio Visual Partner

Moog Audio

Silver Partners



Baskin Wealth Management

Design Workshop Architects

Queen West Animal Hospital

Award Partner

Hexagon Special Projects

Food & Beverage Donors

Blackbird Baking Co. | Château des Charmes | Cheese Magic | City Market Peter Street | CJ Lunchbox | Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Gluten-Free Bakeshop | De La Mer | Food Dudes | Sarah Gaby-Trotz | Kozlik’s Mustard | Oyster Boy | Salt Spring Island Cheese

Event Donors

Above Ground Art Supplies | Art Gallery of Hamilton | Art Gallery of Ontario | Art Gallery of York University | Articulations | Buddies in Bad Times Theatre | C Magazine | Canadian Art | Canadian Opera Company | Canadian Stage | Casa Loma | Centre[3] | Design Exchange | Dorset Fine Arts | Drink Inc. | Dufflet Pastries | Float Toronto | Fresh | Gallery 44 | Gardiner Museum | Graven Feather | The Japanese Paper Place | John & Joanne Petrie | Koyama Press | Kula Yoga Studios | Made You Look | Magic Pony | Moksha Yoga | Theresa Morin | Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre | Opera Atelier | Loree Ovens | Paperhouse Studio | Revue Cinema | Royal Ontario Museum | Saman Design | Soulpepper Theatre Company | Sweet Flour Bake Shop | Tarragon Theatre | The Paper Place | The Shop | The Tool Library | The Toronto Fringe Festival  | TIFF | Toronto School of Art | Up In Frames | Uppercase Magazine | Wavelength Music Arts Project | The Workroom | YYoga

Event Sponsors

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