Artist Talk: Lili Boshevska

Exhibition poster: Macedonian and Canadian Graphic Artists 7×7

Exhibition poster: Macedonian and Canadian Graphic Artists 7×7

Exhibition poster: Macedonian and Canadian Graphic Artists 7×7

Artist Talk
Artist Talk: Lili Boshevska
Lili Boshevska
October 6, 2023 – October 6, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2-4 pm at Open Studio.

We are pleased to welcome Lili Boshevska, Director of the Cultural and Information Center (CIC) in Bitola, Macedonia, to give a talk at Open Studio. In her role at the CIC, Dr. Boshevska has organized and supported numerous projects and exhibitions of fine artists from all over the world.

The Cultural and Information Center recently hosted the exhibition Macedonian and Canadian Graphic Artists 7×7, curated by Derek Besant and featuring artists from across Canada and Macedonia who engage with various printmaking methods. For this talk at Open Studio, Lili Boshevska will present a video exploring the conception and realization of this exhibition and its impact on artists.

Lili Boshevska will also present a portfolio of prints that were included in the exhibition in Macedonia. She will be joined by the curator, Derek Besant (Calgary), and several of the exhibiting artists, Mark Bovey (Halifax), Alexandra Haeseker, (Calgary), Libby Hague (Toronto) and Jo Ann Lanneville (Trois Rivières), for a group discussion about the significance, rewards and challenges of international exchanges and the importance of supporting graphic artwork through international print events.

We hope you are able to join us for this talk and video presentation!

Speaker Bio
Lili Boshevska was born in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. She holds a PhD in Strategic Management (2013) and a Masters in Human Resource Management (2004). She previously worked as a Journalist and Editor at Television Orbis Bitola, and then as a Teacher and Librarian. Since 2008, she has been working as the Director of public and national institutions. Currently, she is the Director of the Cultural and Information Center in Bitola. She is a member of the Macedonian Scientific Society.

Dr. Beshovska is the author of several scientific and professional papers, two books of prose and six books of poetry. Three of her poetry books were inspired by graphic art. She was a member of the jury at the Graphic Biennale in Varna, Bulgaria, and has organized several international art projects. She is currently a member of the organizational board of the Graphic Biennial of Miniature Drawing and Graphics in Bitola.

Participant Bios:
Derek Besant, indefatigable curator, writer and participating artist in innumerable Biennales including ANTHEM: Expressions of Canadian Identity, International Artist’s Book Biennale, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt, 2022, Canadian Language Museum Oct.5, 2023, and Canadian Embassy, Tokyo 2024.

Mark Bovey, organizer of Canadian exhibitions in China and Russia who has represented Canada internationally in juried biennial and triennial exhibitions in 19 nations. 

Alexandra Haeseker, invited participant at the IAPA Invitational as well as multiple exhibitions in China, Thailand, Poland, Japan, Portugal, and the International Biennial Contemporaine, Liège, Belgium.

Libby Hague, exhibiting artist in the Karachi Biennale and many other national and international exhibitions including the current International Printmaking Biennnale, Douro.

Jo Ann Lannevile, co-founder of the Atelier Presse Papier and the Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières, has had more than thirty individual exhibitions both in Canada and internationally.