May 26, 2022 – June 9, 2022
Buy Outright Option: May 26, 12 pm – May 29, 5:00 pm
Virtual Auction Bidding: May 26, 12 pm – June 9, 5:00 pm
Auction Site Now Closed
We are delighted to announce FUTURE PROOF 2022, a virtual auction in support of Open Studio, launching May 26, 2022.
FUTURE PROOF will feature a selection of stunning artwork to browse, bid on, and buy outright. The virtual auction will showcase a juried selection of prints alongside a curated collection of contemporary art by artists from the Toronto art community who have chosen to support Open Studio.
Purchase your favourite works outright May 26 – 29, or risk missing out to another bidder! The auction will run until June 9, 2022.
Thank you to the participating artists and their galleries who have donated artwork to support Open Studio and the future of print.
Participating Artists: Anne Abbass, Robert Achtemichuk, Shabnam Afrand, Joshua Alford, Jasmin Nicole Amoako, Ningeosiaq Ashoona, Sally Ayre, Omar Badrin, Robin Bain, Caroline Ariane Bergeron, Alex Bierk, Nour Bishouty, Philippe Blanchard, Sara-Jeanne Bourget, Yael Brotman, Sarka Buchl-Stephenson, Laura Bydlowska, Debra Carter, carlina Chen, J. Yuen Ling Chiu, Anne Marie Cosgrove, Briar Craig, Mark Crofton-Bell, Louis Crout, Rachel Crummey, Susan Cunningham, Victoria Day, Agata Derda, Desiree DeRuiter, Jennifer DiCresce, Pamela Dodds, Hazel May Eckert, Samsam Elmi, Sonya Filman, Elizabeth Forrest, Eva Francis-Work, Ted Fullerton, Douglas Gammage, Fatima Garzan, Elena Gorlenko, Francisco-Fernando Granados, Laine Groeneweg, Sadko Hadzihasanoviz, Libby Hague, Nadine Hajjaj, Vanessa Hall-Patch, Johan Hallberg-Campbell, Mark Johnsen, Cheryl Kaplan, Pascaline Knight, Shannon Knott, Christine Koch, Jenn Law, Karen Kar Yen Law, Hannah Lind, Lorna Livey, Andrew McKay, Alex McLeod, Liz Menard, Merijean Morrissey, Steven Murray, Ignazio Nicastro, Shogo Okada, Loree Ovens, Luke Painter, Kurt Pammer, Liz Parkinson, Kathleen Parle, Carrie Perreault, Cleopatria Peterson, Negar Pooya, Genie Liang & Shun Yamamoto, Walter Procska, Thea Reid, Lyla Rye, Irina Schestakowich, Emma Juliette Sherland, Egor Sokolov, Penelope Stewart, Derek Sullivan, Mohammad Tabesh, Otis Tamasauskas, Jocelyne Thibault, Alex Thompson, Heather J. A. Thomson, Phoebe Todd-Parrish, Gwen Tooth, David Trautrimas, Gabrielle Tyrie, Kelly Uyeda, Olive Wei, Noelle Wharton-Ayer, Kate Wilson, Annie Wong, Joy Wong, Claire Wright, Leszek Wyczolkowski, Nadine Wyczolkowski, Syed Zia Zaidi, Shaheer Zazai
Securing the Future of Print
Open Studio, Toronto, is an Artist-Run Centre (ARC) and charitable organization dedicated to contemporary print. We offer accessible, inclusive and affordable printmaking facilities, programs and services for artists and the public from across Canada and abroad.
By partaking in this online auction, buyers and bidders can support our charitable mission and enable artists from all backgrounds to work in print for generations to come!
Award Sponsors
We are thrilled to announce that thanks to our generous sponsors, FUTURE PROOF artists will be eligible for cash awards including: the Best in Print: $1,000, and 2x Honourable mentions in Print: $500. Winners will be announced during the closing week of the auction.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors!
Assurart: Best in Print, $1,000
Baskin Wealth Management: Honourable Mention in Print, $500
The Japanese Paper Place: Honourable Mention in Print, $500