Speaker: Shogo Okada (he/him)
Topic: Being Timeless, a Printing Detour
Date: Friday, March 18, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm ET via Zoom
Structure: 30min talk, 15min discussion / Q&A
In this Print Speak session: Being Timeless, a Printing Detour, Shogo Okada gives us a view of his studio and discusses his experience as an artist who has adapted traditional or so-called “old-fashioned” techniques to explore the multi-faceted aspects of printmaking, especially screenprinting. Join Okada as he offers a casual review of what he has learned about employing different materials, shooting screens, composition, and the nuances of printmaking that occur when you combine a hands-on analog approach with digital tools. Okada also discusses how to get this all done on a tight timeline and budget.
Shogo Okada (he/him) is a Montreal-based artist from Osaka, Japan. Okada explores the worlds of the visual arts and music, focusing on both counter-culture and art history. He draws and reinterprets existing shapes and structures of familiar motifs/themes, distilling their essence into distinct, often vibrant, compositions. Okada predominantly works with the process of screenprinting, a method through which he can create and explore the nature of multiples.